Monday 16 September 2013

Questions for our focus group

In order to have a good quality music video we need our target audience's opinion on what makes a good music video: for this to happen we have organised a focus group. Our focus group interview will allow us to find out their band knowledge, perception of music in general, their video ideas and so on. These are examples of questions Alysia and I will be asking them.

Questions for focus group
  1. How old are you?
  1. Favourite genres of music? How many?
  1. How much do you spend a month on music?
  1. CD or download?
  1. Do you prefer male or female artists?
  1. What attracts you the most to a music video?
  1. What don’t you like in music videos?
  1. What colours do you find soothing?
  1. What colours do you find euphoric?
  1. Name 5 favourite artists/bands?
  1. Favourite music video? Why?
  1. Do you find music to be useful in society? Why?
  1. What do you think of our song’s lyrics? Why?
  1. What would you expect the packaging to be like on an indie/rock/acoustic digipak?

  1. Examples of digipaks, analyse.

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