Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Front  Cover

The aim behind designing my digipak front cover was so it was similar to identical to my magazine advertisement to create a sense of identity that people will remember. I used the same tool on Photoshop 'Lens Flare' and I also used the 'sprayed strokes' effect under the tab of 'brush strokes'. However, with my digipak I made the font of the artist name and album title the same font to create an even look. I used white font to contrast against the background which I chose to be warm dark colours to create a psychedelic, mystic look to it at the same time as it being natural to reflect the genre of the music.

Inside Left

Inside Right

 Back Cover

Final Magazine Advertisement

This is my final product for my magazine advertisement. I used this picture to create a field of depth for my target audience, the warm colours are to represent the warm lyrics of the songs featured on the digipak advertised and it's also a photo of identity as the front cover of the digipak has the same photograph. I think the pathway on the picture draws the audience in. The font used I wanted to have a vintage feel about it to represent the personality of the singer/songwriter, who wears vintage fashion and has a country rock feel to his acoustic voice. I made my font of Erick Baker and Stay Awhile in a bigger size to make it stand out more and grabs my audiences attention as it's placed in the middle of the photograph. I also used the affect of making the font smaller as you read down the page so my target audiences are wanting to read on, it also makes sure that the majority of the picture isn't covered by font. I used two tools on Photoshop to edit my photograph to be more aesthetically pleasing to my target audience. One of these is the lens flare effect which gives a more professional photograph look which I was going for. It also creates more depth to the photograph. The second effect I used was the sprayed strokes effect under the tab of brush strokes. I used the lowest number of affect I could so it doesn't look artificial but it still has an artistic feel about the warm dark colours to contrast with the bright white font.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Developing my Digipak

Opacity Tool

This is one affect I used for the inside right cover of my digipak. I used the shape tool to make a circle to show that's where the CD would be. To make it more realistic I used the opacity tool on the right hand side to make it fade into the background picture, so the audience still get the full affect of the picture I used to still feel the natural/authentic feel of the genre and packaging so it doesn't look too plastic and fake.

 Lens Flare Tool

I really liked the different contrasts of colours in my inside right picture. I feel like it creates depth and warmth to the picture which is what I intended on having as a running theme throughout my digipak and magazine advertisement. But I wanted something on the picture to show skill at using photoshop, and I found the lens flare tool under the tab 'Filter'. I feel like this creates even more warmth on the picture and makes it look more appealling and softer to the eye without it just being harsh lines from the branches. I wanted this to represent the softness of the acoustic music featured on the album.