Tuesday 14 January 2014

Developing my Digipak

Opacity Tool

This is one affect I used for the inside right cover of my digipak. I used the shape tool to make a circle to show that's where the CD would be. To make it more realistic I used the opacity tool on the right hand side to make it fade into the background picture, so the audience still get the full affect of the picture I used to still feel the natural/authentic feel of the genre and packaging so it doesn't look too plastic and fake.

 Lens Flare Tool

I really liked the different contrasts of colours in my inside right picture. I feel like it creates depth and warmth to the picture which is what I intended on having as a running theme throughout my digipak and magazine advertisement. But I wanted something on the picture to show skill at using photoshop, and I found the lens flare tool under the tab 'Filter'. I feel like this creates even more warmth on the picture and makes it look more appealling and softer to the eye without it just being harsh lines from the branches. I wanted this to represent the softness of the acoustic music featured on the album.

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