Wednesday 6 November 2013

Analysing Marketing Campaign - Bombay Bicycle Club

This is a printscreen I took of Bombay Bicycle Club's homepage for their official website. The first thing you see is the two advertisements promoting their new single 'Carry Me'. Both with minimalistic, clear fonts and a theme in the colous of green and yellow. Having a running theme of colours creates an identity for BBC so that they are easily recognised from their target audience. Also the fonts used are clear and easy to read, which will make remembering them easier for their intended audience, and the font used for the band them is the same font as the band has always used on previous albums etc, which reinforces the identity value. What I have learnt from this is that keeping a running theme throughout my music video, my digipak and my magazine advertisement is very important, as it means that it will keepe an image in my target audience's mind for them to want to buy into it.

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