Monday 21 April 2014

Question 1: Evaluation

 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • USE 

My music video uses forms and conventions of real media products in that Alysia and I used the idea of Iconography. Our iconography showed through our choice of indie/acoustic style and the naturalistic settings and atmosphere throughout. 

We also amplified the lyrics to relate to the music video, this meant that our target audience would be able to follow the music video easily and understand the story line. 
Our intentions was also to elaborate on our use of Mis En Scene; costume, make-up, props, all to be stereotypical of indie artists so our target audience would understand and relate to the genre.
Also, I analysed other indie artists' music videos. See blog post here and here.


Our main development was not using the adolescent male fantasies despite it being a love song.
We developed the idea of 'televised bard' also from studying other music videos.
Deliberate shy lip syncing to show emotion and realism to our target audience, this also reflects on the indie artist stereotype of being modest and the main focus is the music.


- 'adolescent male fantasies'
We didn't challenge much because our main aim was to follow in the footsteps of the indie artists to appeal to our target audience. In order to do this, I analysed different music videos, picked out the things I liked from them and tried to replicate those in my own music video, digipak and magazine advertisements. 


We used Goodwin's theory of illustrating our narrative- tells the story through the lyrics. An example of this would be when we used a close up shot of a leaf to demonstrate 'from stabbing all that's delicate'.
Michael Shore- we purposefully did not use the theory of adolescent male fantasies, as mentioned before.
Carlsson- the idea of 'televised bard' relates to Goodwin's theory.
The idea of 'Star Image' I didn't think suited well with the 'down to earth' feel indie artists stereotypical use. This is why I don't have any photos of the artist on my magazine advertisement or digipak, as it means that it would reach out to my intended target audience and the focus would be more on the music rather than himself.
 Levi Strauss 'Binary Opposition'
In our music video: boy and girl, day and night, outside and inside.

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