Tuesday 8 October 2013

Ben Howard Music Video Analysis

Shot Type
Extreme Long Shot –
Generally used as a scene setting shot. It shows a view of an object in the distance

This still image shows the setting used in the video. The lighting is completely natural and shows a sunrise and the trees are silhouetted. Goodwin in Dancing in the Distraction Factory (1992) states that there will be a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. This is clearly reinforced in the mise en scene in this still. The location is clearly ‘far from home’ there is no evidence of this being a ‘home’ environment. There are no houses – it is nature. However, because it is an idyllic image the audience would want to be at this location. Hence, the location reinforces the optimistic lyrics.  This is further reinforced with the golden sunshine. The sibilance of the ‘summer shone’ evokes this image that the audience can see in the music video.


‘The summer shone beat down on bony backs

 So far from home where the ocean stood

Down dust and pine cone tracks’

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