Tuesday 8 October 2013

Ben Howard Music Video Analysis

Shot Type
Wide shot: Contains a figure from the knees/ waist up and is normally used for dialogue or to show some detail of action. Also shows the setting.

This still also shows the setting of the video and the lighting is completely natural again. The lyrics that go with this image reinforce the organic, acoustic genre of the music as well as the surroundings: “steady as the stars in the woods”.  This affects the audience as everything intertwines with each other and all creates the image of natural, earthy, acoustic music. Having Ben Howard in this image lets the audience know what he looks like, his outfit is completely casual and is earthy colours. Also showing him in this still connects the visual with the lyrics “We stood” although it says “we” when it is clearly just him throughout the whole video, engages the audience more as it’s as if he wants us to be there with him.
‘We stood
 Steady as the stars in the woods
 So happy-hearted
 And the warmth rang true inside these bones

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