Sunday 6 October 2013

Music Video Analysis: Blurred Lines

SHOT Medium Two Shot Analysis

At 0.01, the opening shot shows Robin Thicke in bed with a scarcely dressed girl. Over the shot there is text saying '#THICKE', the reason for this is so he can promote himself and his music to get people to know who he is and buy his music. The text shown is in the colour red which represents lust/love, which is relevant as they're in bed together.
SHOT Long Shot Analysis

In this shot you can see that the lighting is artificial and there is a plain white background so that the audience are focussed on the people in the shot. The way the men are positioned are so the focus is more on them than the girls because they're wearing darker/bolder colours whereas the girls are just wearing white skimpy clothes. This shot again shows the sexual attitude towards the girls.

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